- Capacity Development 80%
- Education Sustainability 90%
- Youth Development 75%
Nation Builders Organisation brings hope with her message, They give the average young adult not only a reason to live but a drive to go after their dreams, After 9 years of being on the advisory board of Nation Builders, i can confidently say, the own the future.
Lanre OlusolaAbout us
NATION BUILDERS ORGANISATION (with consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Department) is built based on the validity of what human minds can achieve when properly channeled and utilized in a growing nation like ours. It was founded on the sole aim of nation building, which is her citizens: Them understanding fully that our future and that of this great nation depends on its youth.
Set to inspire, motivate and re-educate: building role models worthy of emulation, giving this generation a first-class mentality, making them think positively, proactively and harnessing their God given potential RIGHTLY. Realizing that the future we strive for, starts now, we are doing our best to make a change. Most of us wish the world was a better place. Poverty, corruption, famine, terror and war that our world is plagued with today all have answers.
Nation Builders Organisation is popularly known for its conferences such as the African Originality Conference, Maximize life Conference, The Future National Conference and always with a minimum of 5,000 participants in attendance in each of her conferences.
We believe in a more successful society, a more reliable leadership, a more sustainable government, a future we can all look forward to, a life we can afford to stake our lives and that of our children, just to see come true. Thus, building a happier world, where people can be fulfilled as individuals, playing constructive roles in their various societies.
Our Vision
To build a happier world where people can be fulfilled as individuals, playing constructive roles in their society. Nation builders empower youths to identify and develop their D.R.E.A.M.S.(Dynamic, Realizable Efforts to Attain and Maintain Success) and own their future.
Our Mission
Impact our world with the investment of our personality.
The objective of Nation Builders Organisation is set to inspire, motivate and re-educate by:
- Providing and reproducing role models worthy of emulation that will inspire people to become agents of lasting Change and Hope
- Giving this generation a first-class mentality and spirit of excellence that influence world economies locally and globally beyond their time
- Encouraging transformational thinking and intentional actions to positively, proactively harness God given potential to purpose RIGHTLY.
- Promoting civil ideas into action that will result in a more successful society, a more reliable leadership, a more sustainable government, a future we can all look forward to for many generations to come. Thus, building a happier world, where people can be fulfilled as purpose minded individuals, playing constructive roles in their various societies.
Ayanlola Ayanyimika
What We Believe
We believe in a more successful society, a more reliable leadership, a more sustainable government, a future we can all look forward to, a life we can afford to stake our lives and that of our children, just to see it come true.
That is the reason Nation Builders Organisations is building a happier world where people can be fulfilled as individuals, playing constructive roles in their various societies. WE BELIEVE IN YOU: WE BELIEVE IN OUR FUTURE!
We train for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or polytechnics). In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, observers of the labour-market recognize as of 2008 the need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. People within many professions and occupations may refer to this sort of training as professional development.
Most times in life we gather series of wrong believes due to our environment, culture, history experiences or patterns, that influences our decisions, and affect our judgement of times, but at Nation Builders Organisation, we help you re direct your thought patterns through our several programs. The world belongs to you.
Most times in life we gather series of wrong believes due to our environment, culture, history experiences or patterns, that influences our decisions, and affect our judgement of times, but at Nation Builders Organisation, we help you re direct your thought patterns through our several programs. The world belongs to you.
Motivate to Action
The reason we see people do some particular things is because their behaviour is influenced by a group of factors that motivate them. For example hunger motivates the man to furnish food for himself. If the motivation (valuable object or action) is assigned to a specific goal, the individual is much more motivated to achieving this goal. Our motivation programme is an intended activity determined for motivating people to achieve predetermined organization goals. Simply said it is a structured scheme aimed at making people do what you want them to do. Motivation, whatever form it has, is an ideal way to increase your revenue.
Evaluate Results
Our evaluation is a systematic method of collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about projects, policies and programs, particularly about effectiveness and efficiency. In personal, public and private sectors of our dealing, its our responsibility to always know if the programs you are funding, implementing, voting for, receiving or objecting to are actually having the intended effect.